Change Management

Digital Transformation: How To Drive CX and Revenue

Digital Transformation: How To Drive CX and Revenue

The purpose of a consumer-centric digital transformation is to drive: ✔ Simply outstanding consumer experienceAnd✔ Profitable, sustainable revenue growthIt's a big challenge for long-established consumer brands.Here's how the home appliance industry is rising to this...

Why Do Business Change Initiatives Fail?

Why Do Business Change Initiatives Fail?

We've all seen this frightening statistic: A staggering 70% of business change initiatives end in failure. Why is this? And how can we achieve a higher success ratio? To find out I ran a LinkedIn poll. Here are the results: So, it’s clear. Change management...

The Number One Reason Why Business Change Fails and How To Fix This

The Number One Reason Why Business Change Fails and How To Fix This

A staggering 70% of business change programmes end in failure. Dig deeper and you'll find that the number one reason why business change fails is people and not process. This short article will help you to understand the people issues that derail change management....

How To Deliver Better Customer Service

How To Deliver Better Customer Service

After the year we’ve lived through no one can deny the need for change. And nowhere is this more obvious than the need for better customer service. That's because the coronavirus pandemic has already changed how customers choose to interact with companies and brands....

Business Change: 3 Trends That Will Be Important in 2021

Business Change: 3 Trends That Will Be Important in 2021

2020 has been a watershed year. Business change has been sudden and rapid. 9 months after Covid-19 swept across the world we are still living with disruption to so many aspects of our personal and business lives. Even as the first vaccinations take place, this...

Survival of the Most Agile at a Time of Maximum Risk

Survival of the Most Agile at a Time of Maximum Risk

The COVID-19 crisis has laid bare that being in business is fraught with risk. Companies that survive are not necessarily the biggest, but they are the most agile. But what does business agility really mean? And how do you become more agile? Defining Agile To some,...

Change or Die: This Crisis is Taking No Prisoners

Change or Die: This Crisis is Taking No Prisoners

Change is the only way to survive. The coronavirus crisis is taking no prisoners as it decimates large swathes of the economy. Despite unprecedented business support measures, a wave of bankruptcies is about to break – just as lockdown is beginning to ease. Sadly,...

Business Transformation – How to Make the Best of COVID-19

Business Transformation – How to Make the Best of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced dramatic business transformation on organisations, large and small, in countless sectors, right across the world. In a few short weeks so much has already changed. Although no one can clearly predict exactly how the post-COVID-19...

A Crisis to Change Work for the Better?

A Crisis to Change Work for the Better?

A crisis is always a catalyst for change. Some things never go back to how they were before. The Covid-19 crisis is fundamentally reshaping the working environment and the accepted work-life balance. The way we work is changing for the better. Work before Covid-19...

3 Big Issues When Working from Home

3 Big Issues When Working from Home

Like it or loathe it, working from home is the new normal. At least for the foreseeable future. The internet is awash with advice on how to effortlessly work from home. I've even thrown my hat into the ring here with my top 15 tips for working from home. Helpful as...

How to Manage Change During a Crisis

How to Manage Change During a Crisis

Managing change is hard at the best of times. How you manage change at a time of crisis is critical. Within the space of three short months, coronavirus has turned the world on its head. Overnight, the old certainties are gone. Carefully made plans lie in tatters....

What Price Customer Loyalty?

What Price Customer Loyalty?

In 1964 The Beatles sang “Money can’t buy me love”. 50 years on it is clear that money can’t buy loyalty either. Businesses around the globe have spent large sums of money on loyalty programmes but very often they just don’t seem to work very well at all. Why is this?...

3 Ways to Make More Money with Manufacturer’s Service

3 Ways to Make More Money with Manufacturer’s Service

For manufacturers the smart way of making more money is through service. Indeed, the days of competing on product innovation alone are long gone. When Apple, one of the best product companies on the planet, announced in 2016 that it makes more money from services than...

Technology Driven Business Change

Technology Driven Business Change

As we enter a new decade, you can bet that entrepreneurs up and down the country are looking to embrace technology to drive business change and get ahead of their competitors. From a business technology point of view, more has changed in the last 10 years than in the...

Right to Repair: How to Achieve Genuine Win: Win

Right to Repair: How to Achieve Genuine Win: Win

Right to repair has been enshrined in legislation for the first time The right to repair is the new reality for manufacturers of dishwashers, refrigerators, TVs and washing machines. The race to the bottom that gave rise to low-end brands, shorter life cycles and...

Want Better Data Security? – Handle Data like Cash

Want Better Data Security? – Handle Data like Cash

Today’s announcement that British Airways is facing a record fine of £183m for last year's breach of its security systems demonstrates that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has teeth. For organisations, big and small, data security and privacy must be a...

How to Design & Build a Stunning Website

How to Design & Build a Stunning Website

How many of us would describe ourselves as a computer geek, a website guru or a master of social media? Very few I would imagine! And yet - just like me and many others - you've probably found yourself as a stakeholder or manager of a mission-critical digital project....

Listen to Your Customers or Risk Losing Them Forever

Listen to Your Customers or Risk Losing Them Forever

Do you listen to your customers? Does their voice carry into the upper echelons of your business? Do you take action to make a positive difference? The answers to all of the above should be a resounding “yes”. "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of...

10 Steps to Building a Product Support Business

10 Steps to Building a Product Support Business

Some consumers love product support packages as a way of buying into a closer, ongoing relationship their favourite brands. This is an interesting insight. Especially, when you consider that deeper customer engagement and increased customer loyalty represent the “holy...

How Microsoft Failed With These Customer Service Mistakes

How Microsoft Failed With These Customer Service Mistakes

Even the biggest businesses on the planet can make the most basic customer service mistakes. "We’re sorry this sounds like it has been an absolute nightmare"Microsoft UK Facebook Message Microsoft’s stated mission is to empower every person and every organisation on...

How to Drive Better Service Results with Technology

How to Drive Better Service Results with Technology

The service industry is awash with new technology. From smart sensors to field service automation. From virtual assistants to web portals and mobile apps. The common denominator? Making use of real time information to increase service efficiency and improve the...

How to Respond When Your Best Customers No Longer Call

How to Respond When Your Best Customers No Longer Call

Click or call. Customers have a choice. Increasing they are choosing online instead of over the phone. Which explains why your business is not receiving as many calls as it used to. And this poses a problem for the many businesses who have enjoyed great success in up...

How to Hunt Down Hidden Complaints to Gain True Value

How to Hunt Down Hidden Complaints to Gain True Value

Want more sales? Then, invite more complaints! According to Ruby Newell- Legner in her article "Understanding Customers", for every 1 customer who complains, there may be a staggering 24 others who don’t bother. Worryingly, 9 out of 10 of these could be lost to you...

1 Day on the Frontline is Worth 100 in the Office

1 Day on the Frontline is Worth 100 in the Office

How much time do you spend on the frontline? Out there where the day to day action is within your business. For example, side by side with your contact centre advisors as they take calls. Or out in the field with your delivery teams and service technicians. Forgive me...