Small Business Success – Ten Tips for New Entrepreneurs

8th March 2019Business Coaching

Ten Tips for Small Business Success

Small business success eludes many for whom starting their own business is a burning ambition. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Whilst there is no secret recipe for success, you can definitely improve your chances by following these ten simple tips:

Tip 1 – Be clear on your vision and values

Be in business for a reason, communicate your value proposition, and always deliver on your promises. At the same time be agile, open to change, and alive to new opportunities.

“Be stubborn on the purpose, but flexible on the journey”

Jonas Samuelson

Tip 2 – Dare to be different and know how to make a difference

In a sea of similar-looking businesses, it pays to stand out. Whilst it is valuable to learn from others, doing things your own way and carving out a unique niche can really pay off.

“Strategy is about deliberately choosing to be different”

Michael Porter

Tip 3 – Follow your heart but trust your gut

Especially when starting out, it is tempting to analyse, overthink and even procrastinate. Cut through complexity and go with your gut. If it feels right, or wrong, it probably is. Or as Richard Branson famously put it:

“Screw it! Just do it!”

Richard Branson

Tip 4 – Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Going it alone, doesn’t mean being on your own. Use your network for support and guidance. Business success does not come from you having all the answers yourself. Have the courage to admit that you don’t know everything, ask others for their help and be truly open to new ways of working.

“Asking for help when you need it, isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength”

Barack Obama

Tip 5 – It is OK to make mistakes so long as you learn from them

So many solopreneurs and small businesses play it safe, containing risk and doing everything possible to avoid failures. And yet, failure is rarely fatal. In fact, failing can be the best way to learn. Business is about risk versus reward and finding the right formula is often the result of trial and error.

“Experience is simply the name we give to our mistakes”

Oscar Wilde

Tip 6 – No matter how many times you get knocked down, get back up again

In business you need to develop a thick skin, accept that set-backs are inevitable and have the courage to continue. Your worth is not determined by the failure of others to recognise it. An overnight business success is rare indeed. Keep polishing your rough diamond until no one can ignore its brilliance.

“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”

Nelson Mandela

Tip 7 – Invest in yourself and never stop learning

No matter what area you and your business specialise in, we are all working in the knowledge economy and customers often come to us for our unique experience and expertise. And yet, in today’s fast paced world, knowledge becomes obsolete so quickly. It is vital therefore to keep your professional skills at the leading edge, learn from others and constantly take on new and challenging projects.

“An investment in knowledge, pays the best interest”

Benjamin Franklin

Tip 8 – Keep driving your business forward

Small businesses need forward momentum. Standing still is not an option. Making time to work on the business as well as in the business is a must. Acquire the latest technology to drive efficiency and expand into new areas.

“Staying successful is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving”

Albert Einstein

Tip 9 – Celebrate your business success

In the hustle and bustle of daily business it is easy to be consumed by your ever growing “to do list” and to rush from one challenge to the next, without ever stopping to recognise your achievements.

You are in business to enjoy what you do. You have a right to celebrate every business success, no matter how small the win. Cherish these small victories and savour the feel-good factor this brings. It will motivate you to go further and accomplish even more.

“Celebrate what you’ve accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed”

Mia Hamm

Tip 10 – Take time off and recharge your batteries

Small businesses are driven by passionate and engaged people. You work long hours, you go above and beyond for your customers, but you do risk burnout unless you take a break every once in a while. Physically getting away from it all, helps you gain perspective and come back refreshed and ready to face new challenges.

“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”

Dolly Parton

The tips in this post come from my own personal experiences of building an independent consultancy practice over the last 5 years.

If I can succeed, so can anyone!

Where there is a will, you will find your way.

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